Internet of Things

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)


The Internet of Things (IoT) is an important part of the new revolution in information technology that will transform the way we interact with the world and will have a deep impact on economy and society. IoT will remarkably increase the efficiency in resource management, since it will improve the quality of life and will enable smart cities, smart home, smart energy, smart health, industry 4.0, connected vehicle and a long list of intelligent environments. 


The IoT Thrust at HKUST(GZ) is established to contribute to the coordinated development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the nation’s drive to become a global leader in IoT area. The programs offered will prepare students to take full advantage of the explosive opportunity by providing cross-disciplinary knowledge and deep domain expertise in IoT. Students will be able to understand the current IoT technologies, as well as their future evolution, and will be trained to conduct independent research and design/implement projects in the IoT area. We look forward to welcoming more enthusiastic talents and students to join us! 

Danny Hin Kwok TSANG

IoT Thrust Head