
The IoT Thrust at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou Campus (HKUSTGZ) has multiple tenured/tenure-track positions at the ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. The IoT Thrust is interested in candidates who can create a multi-disciplinary IoT curriculum and pursue high impact research in a science, technology and engineering-oriented environment. We offer a dynamic and collaborative academic environment within the culturally rich city of Guangzhou. Our faculty is highly diverse, joining us from world-leading institutes around the globe.


Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree and work in one or more areas related to the Thrust as follows.

  • 物联网中的优化、人工智能及机器学习
  • 网络、通信及信号处理
  • 安全与隐私增强技术
  • 传感与嵌入式系统
  • 分布式计算与缓存
  • 普适计算
  • 人机交互


As a highly internationalized campus, English is the medium of instruction at HKUST(GZ) - candidates should therefore have a good command of written and spoken English.

  • Applicants for tenure-track Assistant Professor should demonstrate strong research and teaching potentials.
  • Applicants for Associate Professor should have a proven record in research, teaching, student supervision, and funding.
  • Applicants for Professor should have world-class academic achievements, international academic leadership, and an established track record in teaching, student supervision and funding.

Application Procedure

  • Please submit the application via the HKUST/HKUST(GZ) Recruitment System (https://facrecruit.hkust.edu.hk). You should first sign up to create your personal account. For more information, please visit the recruitment website (https://gz-faculty-recruitment.hkust.edu.hk).
  • Review of applications will continue until all positions are filled. We thank applicants for their interest. Please be advised that only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application.