IOT THRUST SEMINAR | Wireless Channel Measurements and Models for 6G and Beyond

Day: 7 月 11 , 2024


This talk will present 6G wireless channel measurements and models in multiple frequency bands and scenarios for 6G and beyond. It will start with 6G application scenarios, performance metrics, and standard channel model requirements. Then, channel measurements and characteristics analysis for typical 6G frequency bands and scenarios will be presented. Furthermore, a 6G pervasive channel model being able to support all frequency bands and all scenarios will be proposed, with statistical properties fully verified by various channel measurements. Finally, future challenges on wireless channel research for 6G and beyond will be discussed, such as AI-based predictive channel modeling, digital-twin online channel modeling, and electromagnetic information theory assisted 3D continuous-space radio channel modeling.


Seminar, Speech, Lecture


Prof. Cheng-Xiang Wang

Southeast University

Cheng-Xiang Wang has been with Southeast University, Nanjing, China, as a Professor since 2018 and he is now the Executive Dean of the School of Information Science and Engineering. He was with Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K., from 2005 to 2018, where he was promoted to a Professor in 2011. He has authored 4 books, 3 book chapters, and more than 560 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, including 28 highly cited papers and 18 best paper awards. He has also delivered 30 invited keynote speeches and 18 tutorials in international conferences. His current research interests include wireless channel measurements and modeling, 6G wireless communication networks, and electromagnetic information theory.

Prof. Wang is a Member of the Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe), a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE), IEEE, IET, and China Institute of Communications (CIC), an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer in 2019 and 2020, and a Highly-Cited Researcher recognized by Clarivate Analytics. He is currently an Executive Editorial Committee Member of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS and has served as an Editor for over ten international journals. He has served as a TPC Member, a TPC Chair, and a General Chair for more than 80 international conferences. 



Suitable for

  • 职员
  • Graduate student
  • Undergraduate student


10:30 - 11:30


11 Jul 2024