The Thrust is a world leader in distributed computing and caching. This theme focuses on the principles, methodologies, and technologies used to manage computing and data storage across diverse networked systems. Our work strives to optimize computational tasks and data storage in a way that improves performance, reliability, scalability, and efficiency.


Ying CUI

Associate Professor


Associate Professor

Gareth John TYSON

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Liuqing YANG

Chair Professor



通过数据驱动决策改进 IETF 协议标准化

Firm: 广州市科技局

Time: 2024 -



Firm: 广州市科技局

Time: 2024 -



Firm: 广东省科技厅

Time: 2023 -


The Eternal Tussle: Exploring the Role of Centralization in IPFS

Proceedings of the 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation / USENIX Association. Berkeley, CA : USENIX Association, 2024, p. 441-454

Wei, Yiluo; Trautwein, Dennis; Psaras, Yiannis; Castro, Ignacio; Scott, Will; Raman, Aravindh; Tyson, Gareth

Measuring, Characterizing, and Analyzing the Free Web Games Ecosystem

IEEE Transactions on Games, April 2024, article number 10487858, p. 1-15

Qayyum, Hina; Ikram, Muhammad; Kaafar, Mohamed Ali; Tyson, Gareth

History in Making: Political Campaigns in the Era of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content

WWW '24: Companion Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024 / Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY, USA : Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, p. 1115-1118

Haq, Ehsan-Ul; Zhu, Yiming; Hui, Pan; Tyson, Gareth

GatedVAE: Detecting Multimodal Fake News with Gated Variational AutoEncoder

WEBSCI '24: Proceedings of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference / edited by Luca Maria Aiello, Yelena Mejova, Oshani Seneviratne, Jun Sun, Sierra Kaiser, Steffen Staab. New York, NY, USA : Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, p. 129-138

Gu, Yimeng; Castro, Ignacio; Tyson, Gareth

APT-Pipe: A Prompt-Tuning Tool for Social Data Annotation using ChatGPT

WWW '24: Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024 / Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY, USA : Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, p. 245-255

Zhu, Yiming; Yin, Zhizhuo; Tyson, Gareth; Haq, Ehsan-Ul; Lee, Lik-Hang; Hui, Pan